2019 Community Creative Challenges / by dale rogers

[ad_1]2019 Community Creative Challenges Hey Guys, for the past 3 years we have hosted the photography weekly challenges in our Photo Rangers Facebook Community group (link below). These have been a great way to push ourselves a little and take a photo that you may not have ever taken. We love the challenges but think it's time to change the format a little.

In 2019 we will invite 12 guest admins - our Photography Sensais to challenge us along a particular theme each month. For example, in January Cecilia will lead the month with conceptual/fine art photography and each week she will post a weekly challenge along the theme of conceptual photography as well as post up article links and her own views about the subject. She will be our conceptual Photography Sensai for the month.

This will allow us to dive a little deeper into other areas of photography like conceptual/fine art photography, street photography, intimate landscapes, storytelling, portrait, astro, long exposure, editing and many others.

Now I need your HELP. I want to know what areas of photography do you think would make an interesting monthly challenge and WHO do you recommend (OR do you want to volunteer) to lead the month. I'm not looking for famous photographers but people that you think would be good facilitators and teachers of a particular photography genre.

I'll be leading the Dino Photography month so don't suggest anyone else for that.

Here's the group link in case you are not a community member https://www.facebook.com/groups/photorangerscommunity/ We'd love to see you there.
