Photo Rangers

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Photo Rangers On Film

[ad_1]Photo Rangers On Film Cecilia and I have both been shooting lots of film. I've decided that shooting film makes me a better photographer cause it makes me think much more and slows down the shots. I have to really think about what I am shooting and the settings I'm using before pulling the trigger. No spray and pray photography with film!

I just got back a roll of black and white today. These were shot on an old 1980's Russian (USSR) Zenit camera with a variety of old lenses on Fuji Acros 100 Black and White film.

Here are my top 6 reasons why I shoot film: 1. To hear a satisfying thump of the shutter and then throw back the film wider. 2. Old cameras are cool looking and built like a brick sh1t house. 3. You think a lot more before hitting the shutter button. 4. Old gear creates interesting flares and light leaks - no need to add them in later via an iPhone app! 5. Not immediately seeing your images makes getting your film back from the developer seem like Christmas. 6. Sense of satisfaction when everything turns out just right.

I've accumulated too many film cameras but think I may put them to use and do a film photography workshop, would you be interested?
