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Monochromatic Dreaming

[ad_1]Monochromatic Dreaming The back and white landscape dreams of hope and despair in a way colour can not. This afternoon I walked out in front of the house with the Fujifilm XT3 and tried out the Acros -R film simulation and the new feature on the XT3 that allows you to warm and cool the black and white Acros simulation.

If you are new to Fujifilm cameras, they all have film simulations that can be applied to jpg files. Film simulations recreate the look and feel of Fujifilm old 35mm film types - Acros, Astia, Velvia, Provia, ProNeg, and Classic Chrome to name a few. Each has a distinct look and feel to them and they really set the Fujifilm jpg images apart from other camera manufacturers.

I typically don't shoot in JPG but since the XT3 was only released, Adobe and most other manufacturers of raw editing software do not have the codecs to support the new XT3 raw file yet. It may be a few weeks before I get a XT3 raw file in Adobe LIghtroom.

But, this has really pushed me to shoot in JPG and work hard with the film simulations in the camera and the additional image customisations possible in body.

So far, I am extremely impressed with the speed of the processor and the accuracy and speed of the focus. And those jpg files ... oh my are they beautiful!

Here's a few jpg images shot in Acros -R film simulation on the XT3 with a 50-140mm f/2.8.

Fujifilm X Series AU
